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Canadian Surrogacy

Looking at building your family through surrogacy in Canada?

Unsure of how and where to start?

Looking for detailed and unbiased information, but it is nowhere to be found?

Looking for top-tier guidance and tips on having a smoother and less stressful surrogacy journey in Canada?

Embarking on a surrogacy journey can be extremely stressful and often filled with uncertainty and pessimism. This is especially more evident when the surrogacy process is altruistic. All future parents looking at building their families through surrogacy often hold back on taking the first step due to a lack of complete and truly unbiased information.

Our Canadian Surrogacy Masterclass for Intended Parents is intended to provide genuinely unbiased, clear, and concise information on the entire Canadian surrogacy process. At the completion of the Masterclass, Intended Parents will possess all the information they need to embark on their new journey with complete confidence.

What to expect in the
Canadian Surrogacy Masterclass?

The structure of the surrogacy framework in Canada and how to navigate it and avoid common mistakes.

A list of Canadian providers and their respective areas of expertise. We’ll guide you on how to assemble a dream team of surrogacy providers consisting of IVF clinics, egg donors, surrogates, lawyers, and insurance companies. We'll even teach you how to search for an egg donor and how to know if a potential surrogate is the right one for your journey.

Guidance on how to welcome your baby in Canada, how to prepare for your return trip to Australia, and how to prepare for your baby’s Australian citizenship application.

Valuable industry insider tips and tailored, unbiased advice specific to your circumstances.

Head over to our Testimonials page to discover what our current and past Intended Parents say about our consultants.

Preganant surrogate, Canadian Surrogacy Masterclass
Canadian Surrogacy Masterclass image , Asian parents and baby

Basis of the Masterclass

Canada Surrogacy Consultants is not a concierge service where Intended Parents are handheld from start to finish. Instead, we are proud to act as consultants who inform, guide and provide assistance for your Canadian surrogacy journey in the form of a Masterclass.

We also believe in true unbiasedness. This means we encourage you to reach out to providers in Canada and build your dream team on your own to get a better idea. Of course, we will arm you with the tools to understand which provider is the right one for your journey. We do not show a preference for particular clinics, agencies and other providers, and we do not receive commissions, kickbacks, or referral fees from working with them.

Single father with baby

Who is this Masterclass for?

The Canadian Surrogacy Masterclass is designed for anyone who is interested in the Canadian surrogacy pathway to build their family. Canada is referred to as the most gay-friendly country in the world. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights are some of the most extensive in the world, and that is the reason why there is no discrimination as to who can go on a surrogacy journey in Canada. We have guided many different Intended Parents to embark on and navigate a Canadian surrogacy journey, including individuals and couples from the LGBTQIA+ communities.

Canada welcomes you regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status, and other diverse backgrounds. Know more about Canadian Surrogacy.

After the Masterclass

After completion of the Masterclass, you will be fully armed with all the information that you need to get through your surrogacy journey smoothly and with less stress. You will know what you need to do at whichever stage you are in, and will know how to navigate it effectively. The Masterclass is designed in a way that you will be able to be the captain of your own journey and shouldn’t require any hand-holding or follow-ups.

That said, should you prefer to have more contact with us or need further advice after the Masterclass, you can let us know during the free consultation, during the Masterclass, or after completing the Masterclass. We can tailor follow-up sessions at specific major stages of your surrogacy journey or have ad hoc sessions whenever you require. We are flexible in the way we continue our services after completing the Masterclass.

If you wish for an ad hoc follow-up session, contact us via email or through the Contact Form to request.

How do I sign up?

Before signing up for the Canadian Surrogacy Masterclass, book in for a free 30-minute consultation. We will use this time to ascertain where you are in your surrogacy journey and if the Canadian option is the best fit for your needs.

If we determine that you suit the Canadian surrogacy system, we will provide more details on the content and cost of the Masterclass in a consultation agreement.

Same Sex Intended Parents with surrogate

Your journey begins today

There is no more incredible feeling than being empowered with the correct information to make the best decisions.

Let us ensure your family-building experience in Canada is smoother and less stressful.
